Perfect for my
After I recorded the "Skin Rash Deep Dive" masterclass, I sent out a survey and 100% of respondents said they wanted classes that were condition-specific...

And so I created the "Eczema Deeper Dive" masterclass to help people like YOU understand what is going on through the unique lens of eczema (rather than just from a general perspective)!
Eczema Deeper Dive Masterclass
Now just so we're clear...
This is NOT the same information presented in the "Skin Rash Deep Dive" masterclass (if you already purchased it).
The Eczema Deeper Dive Masterclass is a deeper dive into eczema, building on what you will learn in the Skin Rash Deep Dive.
That's why it's a "Level 2" class!
This masterclass will help you deconstruct your eczema puzzle that would take you MONTHS to do on your own:
  • How to discover your "eczema type" so you know what direction to take your treatment (mine is called Dyshidrotic eczema)
  • The 29 lab tests that can reveal the root cause of your eczema - and which ones are the most helpful based on your "eczema type"
  • The 4 lab tests that you shouldn't waste your money on - and why you shouldn't waste your time trialing fad diets for eczema
  • What you should (and shouldn't be) eating based on your "eczema type"
  • How to know if your elimination diet experiment is actually working - and when it's OK to stop the experiment - without food fears!
  • ALERT: There are multiple causes for flare ups - and each one has a different strategy - here's how to know what kind of flareup you're having so you don't try to treat it the wrong way!
  • Supplement recommendations + topical strategies based on my work with dozens of eczema clients (and personally trying just about every eczema product on the market)
  • Strategies for what to do when your eczema is super itchy
  • WARNING: You don't get "brownie points" for having a "die off reaction" or "Herxing" or a "healing crisis" - those are signs you're detoxing wrong - let me show you how to detox smoothly and without side effects!
  • Specific products that can be helpful depending on what type of flare you're experiencing
  • 3 case studies of my actual clients so you can see how these principles work in real life - setting your expectations + knowing what to expect ahead of time is soooo helpful for the mental game!
  • Questions for your doctor (that you probably don't know to ask)
Now You Can See Exactly What I Do To Keep My Own Eczema in Remission... and How I Help Dozens of Clients in My Private Practice!
Eczema Deeper Dive Masterclass
Lifetime Access: $97
Get This Deeper Dive for only $30
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